Computer games are a serious industry, worth thousands of advanced technology jobs
all over the world. An argument can be made that games actually plays a large role in
driving PC development, especially graphics and audio devices. In addition to the
entertainment aspects of video games, they are now being pressed into service as
educational and training tools, the so-called "serious games" initiative. We need to
know more about how games work internally and what they can do, as parents,
educators, multimedia designers, artists, and programmers.
This 1/2 day tutorial will describe the architecture of a modern video game, showing
how the basic components combine to create an interactive multimedia entertainment.
A game is actually an interactive real-time simulation with graphical and audio
interfaces, a narrative, and a goal. Most sub-disciplines of computer science are
represented in the construction of a game, and the degree of sophistication needed to
create one is very high. This tutorial proposes to describe the essential components of
a video game - the game loop, AI, graphics, audio, and the front end - and how they
are implemented and how they relate to each other.
This tutorial does not deal with game design, which is not a technical issue, nor with
the creation of artistic assets. The intent is to imbue the attendees with enough
information that they could embark on a game development project of their own, or at
least begin the technical design and find out what other information they required. |